Informace k ubytování

Po celkové úhradě pobytu, před Vaším příjezdem, obdržíte formou emailu, případně SMS pokyny a kód pro ubytování.

Apartmány pro Vás budou připraveny nejdéle od 16 hodin, poslední den pobytu budou uvolněny nejpozději v 11 hodin.

Parkování vozidla je možné pouze za objektem kostela. Před objektem, prosím, zastavte pouze pro vyzvednutí klíče od apartmánu a ovladače brány.

Po ukončení pobytu zanechte klíče spolu s ovladačem brány ve schránce umístěné při výjezdu z vrat.

Apartments – Accommodation Information

Parking is available only behind the church building. Please use the parking at the front of the building only to pick up your apartment key and the remote control for the gate to the parking area.

The key to the apartment will be placed in the safe which is located on the front of the building, to the left of the main door. A code to open the safe will be sent to your mobile phone via text message before your arrival. The key unlocks the gates to premises, the main front door, the stairs door, and your apartment.

The remote control for the parking entrance will be located in the front hall of your apartment.

After picking up the remote control, we kindly ask you to re-park behind the church, in the parking spot designated for your apartment. The parking in front of the church is short-term parking only.

At the end of your stay we ask that you leave the key in the safe beside the main front door, and the parking remote in the box provided at the parking gate.